Monday, February 14, 2011

My Favorite Stylish Men

(Rat Pack)
Granted I am not a single lady, I can always appreciate a very stylish man... and mine is, so in tribute to him and others like him, her are a few of my favorites!

Note: A man with great style can go casual and still be able to hang a suit!

Amare Stoudemire

His Style has just caught my attention and it doesn't hurt that he is chilling with Anna Wintour, the fashion industry's most respected editor!

Humphrey Bogart

He made gangster so cool

Idris Elba

He can definitely wear whatever, however, whenever he wants!

Harry Belafonte

One of the most gorgeous men on the planet.

Marvin Gaye
Talented and sexy. I love a man that can take risks.
Most men shy away from jewels and embellishments and bold colors.

Michael Jackson

Pop icon and style icon that will always be missed...
Another man that knew how to take risks with his fashion.

James Dean

All I can say is, "OMG!"

David Beckham
I don't think I have ever seen him dressed badly.
Style icon from head to toe.

Sean "P. Diddy" Combs

There is no party if he is not in the building.
He comes more fashionably correct than most women!
"Take that, take that..."

Jaime Foxx
He is very deserving. He has come a long way with his career and his fashion.
One of the greatest of our time.

John Legend

Enough said. He can wear Gucci and Armani, and Hugo Boss.
A man that believes in tailoring.

Kanye West
When you are featured in all the major fashion magazines and sought out by
major designers, you know you are the man!

I also love Swiss Beats, George Clooney, all the 007 men, Sean Carter, just to name a few more!

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