Friday, March 5, 2010

My New Favorite Song...

So I'm in love with the new B.O.B. song with Bruno Mars called "Nothin on You." It is so cute and it makes a girl feel good. I heard in at Haute in Los Angeles and I had to groove by myself cause it took me there. That's how all women should feel... like no one else has anything on you. Own your swag ladies. Don't be in competition with one another. Learn from one another in a healthy way. I'm so tired of being the chick that gets hated on in the club or at school, in the mall, minding my own business. If I see a girl with a great body, beautiful features, or a sick shoe game, I let her know.

For the Guys...

So I was in the gym today, working out with my baby sister and I was unbelievably frustrated with all the guys. Now, by no means am I conceded but I do know I am attractive to a certain extent. My problem is this... If you see me pick up some 45lbs weights do not ask me if I need help. Do not ask any woman if she needs help for that matter. If she can read and do the basics of math, she know what she is doing once she steps in the gym.

Now don't get me wrong, I look at men when I'm in the gym, in between reps, but I don't intrude on your workout to try and get some action. Some people go to the gym to pick up a mate or a work out buddy. I am not that girl. I am there to get my body in shape and stay physically fit. I am there for the real purpose of the gym. Most of us are. So here is the tip: If a woman has on a pretty nice fit that is body defining does not mean, "come and holler." Also, if she has a hat low and music blasting in her ears, she's not there for you. Admire from a distant and keep it pushing.