Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cookies and Milk

So I'm home on my day off and I had an urge and a craving like no other. I wanted and need to feel the warm, moist, and satisfying taste of a big, thick, chocolate....chip cookie! But while I'm thinking of this cookie and preparing to do major damage to six beautiful chips, I started to think about my current situation...

Lets break it down. I was in a loving relationship things were up and down, then my life with my family went south. My man cheated, I attempted to leave. Now my baby sister is having a baby, family is still in turmoil, my best friend and I aren't even friends anymore. I want to scream and cry all at the same time but I can't. I feel like there is no point. Everything that is suppose to happen, will. Maybe I'm suppose to be alone with my puppy, my thoughts and my cookies, so I can give the world my milk.

It has to be worth something to be alone. And for everything to happen all at once. My situation with everyone is almost the same. Everyone wants to blame the other person for what they are NOT doing. They are letting the other person's lack-there-of be their reason for sub par behavior.

I'm not letting someone else's actions dictate what I want or how I behave. I don't have the time or the energy. I will keep doing what I need to do as far as work and family are concerned. Everything thing else is extra. And I'm the only one in the race, then this race is already won! I will eat my cookies and have milk too...

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